I personally see a good many of my students - both past and present - as more than just students, but as friends. It's been a real pleasure getting to know and teach them, and I'm super proud of all the effort they put into their learning, the progress they've made as a result, and what they've achieved and are continuing to achieve. Here's what some of them had to say about their experience:
"Taking lessons with Ryan improved my playing a lot faster than when I was trying to do it on my own. He is knowledgeable in all areas and he introduces concepts that I didn’t think of on my own, so it’s an overall improvement, very rapid improvement, and people in my life have noticed that as well, so it’s proof!
I mean if you really are interested in guitar, I think that you should definitely take lessons with Ryan. I enjoy it! If you’re serious about guitar and you have goals that you want to reach, I think that Ryan will help you get there because he does listen to your particular needs and goals."
– Katia
"I was a little pessimistic - the fingerstyle that I wanted to learn from him, Ryan wasn’t exactly fluent in.
But I guess much like a coach over an Olympic athlete, the coach doesn’t actually have to perform the actual maneuvers - he has to coach. And that he did very well, and I learned exactly the style, exactly the way I wanted to learn it.
I’d say I was a little skeptical at first, and I am pretty hard-nosed that in regard, but he was able to change my mind, and that earns a lot of respect."
– Allen
"My wife you know hears me practice, and she can’t believe how good I’m getting after one year, and some of my friends have heard me as well, so it’s reassuring. It's nice to hear that.
Because in a year's time, it’s kind of hard to realize how much progress you made, especially if you are practicing all the time. But, when someone else tells you, then it’s very reassuring and you know you have achieved some level of progress."
– Tony
"As a guitar teacher, the first word I’d use is dedicated. He’s dedicated to making sure classes are prepared, he’s dedicated to his profession, I know he goes to training courses and wants to be a professional at what he does, and that shows in his lessons and what he gives to his students.
Before, I was Googling and YouTubing things. There was a little bit of, you know, you get some chords and I guess I was learning bad habits! So when I came to Ryan, he readjusted me, and he put me on the right path, so I’m feeling confident! In fact recently, I played at home, but in front of some friends and I felt good about it, so he’s helping me most definitely!"
– Dan
"Ryan made me fall in love with guitar again. Before taking lessons with him, I had spent close to a year trying to teach myself, and I came to him extremely frustrated with how little progress I have made. Ryan reignited my motivation! His patience, love of what he does, and complete kick-ass attitude made coming to class so, so enjoyable. I can't thank Ryan enough for his great teachings in helping me become a better guitar player each day."
– Alannah

"I find now, you're playing and not thinking about it. You're thinking about the song, you’re thinking about other stuff as opposed to total concentration in your chord switching. The stuff I used to concentrate on, is moderately fluid now, and it’s more fun!"
– Rob
"I think Ryan’s an amazing guitar teacher, he’s very good, his classes are well structured, he knows everyone has a different sort of learning style or way they like to learn, so he adapts his learning style or pattern to fit your best interests and the best way you’re going to achieve your goals."
- Carlo
"I am certainly more confident now, than at any other time with regards to playing guitar.
Before, I could probably take a piece, take a song, hammer away at it for four to six weeks or something, and develop some kind of a rhythm and eventually figure it out, and still not really figure it out. It still doesn’t really sound clean, and have breaks here and there, and breaks back and forth.
Fast-forward to today, I could probably pick up a handful of the songs that I’m interested in, and bang them off fairly quickly."
“Ryan, I feel, is a great guitar teacher. He’s really nice, and he helps you a lot with any troubles and makes sure that everything is good before adding another challenge. If they’re just starting then I’d definitely recommend it because when I started I was having a lot of troubles, but it definitely helped to have Ryan helping me with all the problems I had.”
- Cameron
"I can see an improvement. My wife says she can recognize the songs more readily when I’m playing them, so that’s a good thing. So over all it’s been very positive.
My guitar playing has improved enormously. I’m happier playing some of the songs that I’m trying to play. I feel like I better portray what the songs are supposed to be like, as opposed to just strumming chords and having it sound like a bunch of chords being strummed. It’s more like a song - you can identify it."
- Dave
“Ryan is a very good teacher! He’s a nice guy, he’s a fun teacher, you don’t feel like you’re not learning something because he teaches something new all the time. It’s not easy, you know, because there are so many grades and challenges in learning guitar, but Ryan is the type of person who will walk with you through your struggles. Whatever questions or weaknesses that you have, he will guide you along the way so that you can become a better guitar player, so I would recommend Ryan as a good teacher.”
- Ken
"The interesting part is that It's a combination of fun, and Ryan challenges them to play better and faster, so that's a very key combination when you get the kids to enjoy their class and at the same time, improve their skills. It's fantastic!
I think It's a good investment. I think that's one of the things where if your kid is inclined to music, it'll give them the opportunity to actually start learning the basics, and start learning how to get into playing an instrument. Ryan personalizes the instruction to the student and at the same time encourages the kids, so it's really something I would definitely recommend."
- Jorge and Julie, Sebastian's Parents
"Ryan, first of all, is VERY entertaining, and he’s very knowledgeable, and he’s got a LOT of patience! So he’s really good in that aspect. You can learn a lot from him.
I just feel like I have more confidence and am picking up the guitar and enjoy playing it, whereas before I was just getting frustrated and realizing that, you know, I wasn’t really getting anywhere. But now, I feel like I am! I’m looking forward to doing another year, for sure!"
– Vince
"Taking lessons with Ryan, my playing has improved dramatically! In fact not only has it improved over the 10-month period, it actually improves weekly! Every time I play, I feel more confident in myself, I pick up another small thing to learn about guitar, and tools and ideas on how to play, so I feel improvement just about every time now I practice and every time I play.
I Just love playing guitar! It’s probably the most valuable thing I’ve done in the past 10 months. So I really enjoy them, and I’ve really improved, and I just love playing my guitar!"
– Brad
“Taking lessons with Ryan has helped me improve my playing in a lot of different ways, but mostly I just find that my rhythm’s better, my chords sound cleaner, and it just sounds better than it did before. It’s fun to play now, and I find that I make cool sounds with my guitar! If you’re considering taking lessons, just go for it. There’s nothing to lose and it’s lots of fun!”
- Jamie
"I decided to take lessons with Ryan because I just like instruments, and when I'm older I want to play a guitar. Ryan's helped me improve my playing by telling me how to play certain things like my E chord, my E Major chord, and my F chord. He's very honest, funny, and very able to help you with things you need help with."
- Sebastian
“My husband enrolled to take guitar lessons with Ryan, and after a few lessons I heard him playing and said “oh, he’s good! And it’s only a few lessons!” so I decided to take them too because I could play a little, but not really good.
Taking lessons with Ryan really helped me a lot, because I thought just knowing the major chords is enough, but there are a few more tricks that I learned from him. I never regret taking a lesson with Ryan.”
- Julie
"I think that Ryan basically has patience, he knows his material, and the other things is that he brings out what's already in you. What Ryan kind of instills in you is a little bit of confidence, so that you can be more sure of what you're doing. Don't hesitate, because guess what - if you don't do it, I promise you this: in a year, you'll still be a year older, but if you do take the lessons, you'll be a year older and that much of a better guitar player."
- Roger
"Before, I was so leery because when I saw Ryan he was so young and he said the first day that most of the time he’s into heavy metal, and here I am – I’m from the 60s and 70s, but all of a sudden when I mention some songs from that year, he was able to play it, so I said “oh this guy… he’s something else!”
When I started playing with Ryan, at the time I was not very good. I couldn’t even do the basic chords that you can really listen to, but now most of the time you can hear all those tunes now! He’s a very good teacher, this guy Ryan."
- Jun
"Ryan has helped me the most with my confidence, and to give me encouragement when I'm struggling, and to help me specifically to trust myself and to know that I'm getting better. There was a little time there where I really thought "you know what, I don't know if I can do this" but he helped me through it, so I think the thing that Ryan does best is not only help you specifically with the things that you struggle with as an individual, but to give you that encouragement."
- Monica
“Ryan is very good at helping beginner players get over the hardest part, through the hurdles of learning guitar, and he makes it easy to break it down and learn the key steps. I went from hardly being able to switch between chords to being able to do it fluidly, and learning many other techniques that I’m actually using in every day playing basis.”
- Brandon
"Ryan really understands the challenges that a beginner goes through, and will have the patience to get you through the initial hurdles to get you playing the guitar. He’s very encouraging along the way as well, so it helps because it’s a new skill that you’re learning, and I think that the right mindset is the most important which he helps with a lot. That’s what gave me the confidence and that’s why it worked.
At the end of the day you just want to learn to play the guitar, but when you see someone who has so much passion about it, it sets the bar for “that’s where I want to get to with it” and I think that’s something that’s very important. The skills and all, you can learn that, but you’ve got to internalize it and learn the passion for becoming a guitar player, and that’s something that Ryan brings very clearly in his lessons." - Sid
“Ryan’s a great teacher, really patient and can easily break concepts down so they’re easy to understand. He has a thorough technique for teaching the fundamentals of guitar in a fun and interesting way.”
- Mike

With the right teacher and guidance, you can turn your guitar playing daydreams into reality. Don't put it off any longer - let's get started.