We Help Kids Develop A Passion For Guitar
- Does your child want to play guitar, or simply need a new hobby?
- Maybe your child’s already learning with a guitar teacher, but isn’t having fun?
- Or perhaps they think guitar is just too hard for them, no matter what they do?
You know, the guitar can be a tough instrument to learn in the beginning – especially for a kid. It just gets harder when they’re taught music they don’t care about, or things that are either too complex or are completely irrelevant for their learning. Needless to say, it’s understandable why they’d get discouraged, quit, and either not like guitar anymore, or worse – believe they’re “not good enough” to play guitar.
"Ryan Makes It A Fun Learning Experience"
“If it gets tough, he encourages you to try again and once you get it, it just feels so good because you know that he helped you, he’s a part of this. And you feel good, it’s self-accomplishment – you feel like ‘yes, I just did that!’ And I also realized how cool it is to nail a song you’ve been working on. It just feels so good!”
- Declan H.
Hi, I’m Ryan Mueller, And I Remember How
Tough It Was When I First Started Playing Guitar
Tough It Was When I First Started Playing Guitar

I was just 9 years old, and you may be surprised to learn that when I younger, I HATED practicing guitar. It was hard, it was boring, and my guitar playing didn’t sound good no matter what I did. And yet, this was a kid who drew guitars all over his notebooks, loved AC/DC and wanted to be just like Angus Young. But Angus Young plays guitar all the time, so why didn’t I?
Because in my experience teaching kids to play guitar, kids deeply connect with the guitar and are more likely to foster a burning desire to WANT to play guitar, when they learn music they love, in a way that’s doable for their young fingers. On top of that, they need a way of making the learning fun, so they can feel encouraged and motivated as they push through the hard parts of learning guitar.
This is all part of their customized learning plan tailored to them, which is key for their immediate success and continued passion for the guitar.
"It's Really Fun, I Really Enjoy It, And It's
Become Part Of My Every Day Life Now"
Become Part Of My Every Day Life Now"
“My experience has been great, I feel like I’ve learned a lot of new things during the last 9 months, learning a new style, and it’s become easier for me to play guitar now with Ryan.”
- Leo T.
At The Etobicoke Guitar School, Your Child Will...
Play Music That They Love
This includes simplifying any song that might seem too hard, whenever and wherever possible. The added bonus here is that as they continue to develop their skills, your child will gradually put more pieces of the song together until it truly comes to life and becomes a special experience for them. It all starts with finding out what kind of music they enjoy, so we know exactly where we need to start.
Develop The Skills To Play The Songs They Want To Learn Now, As Well As The Songs They Want To Learn Later
No matter what kind of music your child likes, we’re all still playing the same instrument. If your child learns the fundamental skills and techniques involved with playing guitar, then not only will they learn their favourite song more easily, but they can then learn the next 5, 10, or 50 songs that are played the same way!
Learn At Their Own Pace
Every kid has their own individual learning style, and not everyone learns at the same speed, so you can’t teach everyone the same way. Your child will have the opportunity to get the most out of their strengths, and the freedom to take their time as they improve on their weaknesses.
Make Mistakes… And Learn From Them
It’s impossible to learn anything without making mistakes, and the same can be said for guitar. Your child will learn that mistakes are part of the learning process, and that they show us what we need to do to improve.
Develop Patience, Delayed Gratification, And Perseverance
While we surely don’t want their learning to be overly difficult, if every lesson were a walk in the park, would your child really be learning anything? Learning of all kinds involve challenges, and your child will learn to face those challenges, work them out and then reap the rewards of their new-found playing abilities.
Boost Their Self-Esteem
This goes beyond the initial victory of playing a song they love on guitar. How do you think your child will feel when they can play that song not just for themselves, but for you, for their friends and family and their classmates? How do you think they’ll feel when their friends talk about how good their guitar playing is?
Refine Their Social Skills
Music is – and has always been – a social art. Throughout the course of your child’s lessons, they’ll have opportunities to connect and interact with other kids and not only play along with them (which is a crucial test of your musical skills), but build lasting relationships based on a shared passion.
Unlock Their Creativity
Music is also a very creative art, and exercising that creativity is an essential part of deepening your learning. Your child will learn how they can put their own unique spin on a song they already love, or use their skills to make a song entirely of their own. And who’s to say we can’t then record it?
Learn Skills That Indirectly Help Them In Other Areas Of Their Lives
The physical movements of playing an instrument indirectly help other activities where coordination and dexterity is required. Concepts like rhythm and scales lend a hand with understanding mathematics and patterns, and playing with other kids helps them develop cooperation, listening and leadership skills. That’s just a start of how learning to play music benefits other areas of your child’s life.
Hear Our Kid Students Play!
In late 2020, kid students of Etobicoke Guitar School took on a special project where they wrote their own songs and then with the help of some equipment and software, turned them into full-fledged recordings.
What we got out of it were some fun rock tunes, and motivated kids who now realize that not only do they have the power to make their own music, but they can have their friends and family listen to it as well.
The ages of the students at the time range from 9 to 15 years old.
"His Motility Has Improved Just By Playing The Guitar"
"Before he was taking lessons, his motor skills for writing were not very developed and he was slow. The teacher told him he had to write more and do more writing exercises. It's obviously a kid who doesn't like writing, so that's not going to work. What we noticed is that his motility has improved basically just by playing the guitar, and it's something that he enjoys, so we actually hit the nail right on the head. He's improving at school with being able to write more neater and cleaner, and faster."
- Jorge and Julie, Sebastian's Parents
"I Feel Like I've Gotten A Lot Better!"
“In my opinion, it’s gotten a lot better. Ryan’s helped me figure out where to put my fingers for certain chords, how to do different things, and in my opinion I feel like I’ve gotten a lot better!”
- Ella S.
"Ryan's A Really Good Teacher"
"Ryan's helped me improve my playing by telling me how to play certain things like my E chord, my E Major chord, and my F chord. He's very honest, funny, and very able to help you with things you need help with."
- Sebastian M.
Your child doesn’t have to keep struggling with their guitar playing. They can get to the point where their friends tell them how great they sound, and turn playing guitar into a lifelong passion. You can help them do that – take the first step, fill out the contact form below, and we’ll be in touch very soon!
Claim Your Free Intro Lesson

During this lesson, we'll play some guitar, have some fun and see if we're a good match as guitar teacher and guitar student.